Equipping Churches To Serve Families Affected By Disability.
We understand that disability ministry is all about supporting unique needs, including yours! That's because no two churches are alike. While all want to be welcoming, each need is different. Some churches want help promoting disability awareness, some need positive behavior support training, and others want to learn leadership skills. We get it, and we've got it!
Wonderful Works is an online disability ministry resource center. Our goal is to help equip children's and youth ministries to become more inclusive. We do this by providing user-friendly videos and resources, at no cost, on different aspects of disability ministry. This includes training videos made to be fun enough to capture the attention of volunteers before service on a Sunday morning, as well as leader training, tackling the behind the scenes planning like recruiting and creating policies. Each video and accompanying resources are located in our Facebook group. Once you join the group, all materials can be accessed in two ways. You can check out brand new training units with others, or search by topic to find the resources you want, when you want them.
And there's one more thing... Our materials are different too. Our videos are quick, easy to understand, and fun to watch. Check out a few samples below.