For most people, staring up at a sloppily painted green wall might not seem like evidence that God keeps his promises. But that is exactly what it was for me last month, as I slapped on the last coat of paint for the green screen in my new home studio. You see, as I stood there dripping paint onto the drop cloth on the floor, I was struck with the undeniable realization that God's word is just as true today as it was when it was written long ago. "for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
You see, for me, the harvest begins with this studio. Working in film and video production has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. It is one of those things that I always thought would be totally out of reach for a girl who grew up in 1990's West Virginia, who was not able to go to a college that offered those programs back then. I thought that because obstacles had been in the way of my dreams, that those dreams would never come true*. But God...
But God keeps his promises. He keeps them for me and for you and for all of us. And I have to believe that one of those promises is that if God gives us a strong desire and dream for something, and it is in line with what He wants for us, then I believe that He promises to make a way for it to happen - if only we don't give up too soon. For me, this promise looks like a couple of production guys setting up lights and green paint rolled onto a wall. It looks like script writing and animation and voice overs and creative collaborations. It looks like a group of rag-tag individuals with big hearts and hearty prayers working together on this beautiful ministry. It looks like a future filled with promise. Because I believe it is.
And I also believe that your future is filled with promise too. So, if you haven't asked yourself this in a long time, I hope you will stop and ask yourself this now - 'What is it that I don't believe can ever happen - and what would happen if it did?' If you have a dream that has never left you, I hope you will start praying about it again today, and then keep doing good. Because good things come when we don't give up.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up. - Galatians 6:9
* Back in the early '90's when I was looking at colleges, I had a dream to go to a college in Florida that had a Special Effects in Film program. My goal was to become an artist at Industrial Light and Magic and work on special effects for Hollywood films. But, my college funds ended up having to be used for something else, so I went to the school in my hometown where I was offered a scholarship. And while this college gave me a bunch of great friends and great memories, (for which I am eternally grateful), what it could not give me was a career in film. However, my dream of working in film production never left me.
Pictured below - Fellas from the production company we are working with, setting up lights in our studio. The very sloppy and very green wall that nearly gave my very neat and very tidy husband a heart attack. Me, make up free, testing out my new green screen. Life is good.